Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Favorite Things

Ok.  I really am wanting to host a Favorite Things Party.  It sounds so fun to do with friends!

These are a few of my favorite things right now...

Modern Family.  My favorite show.  It honestly is one of the few that make me laugh out loud
every single week!  I think it may have even replaced my first love, The Office?!

We were introduced about a year ago to Pho (a Vietnamese soup pronounced 'fuh')...and have been obsessed ever since.  It has kind of replaced our cravings for Thai food.  If you haven't tried some it!! :)

And...I think I wear these almost everyday.  Literally. 
My other shoes are feeling very neglected.  But, these are the most comfortable shoes I own!  Gap City Flats.

This book has helped change my focus from what I don't have to the 
thousands of blessings, from God, that I do have.  
Naming and counting your blessings.  Life changing.

Philip makes fun of how obsessed I have become with coffee.  I do not deny it. :)
Actually just last night he made a late night run for this creamer 
so I would have it in the morning.
Good husband.

And, last but not least...this video of a 5th grade public school choir in Staten Island.  It brought me to tears the first time I saw it.  Maybe it's the teacher in me...watching a gifted music teacher do something extraordinary with his students.  Maybe it's watching them not care about anybody around them and singing their heart out.  
I can learn from this.


  1. Thank you for sharing the video. It was the best thing I've seen in a while!

  2. thanks, carrie - you inspired me to think of my fav things today: O. yelling "Nana," A. hugs, cup of tea in the early morning with my devos, worship music in the car - LOUD, laughing at big bang theory tv show...

  3. Okay, first, your blog is BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE.

    I love Ann Voskamp's blog and book. It is a MUST read for everyone!

    So nice to 'meet' you today! I blog at "Only A Breath" and would love for you to stop by and visit :)


  4. I am a huge modern family fan, great choices! I lvoe your blog design as well :)

    xo Shane
